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Fix for Appraisal Order, Quote, and More Info Forms If you are using one of our free web designs and your web site is not hosted on our server then your order, quote, and information forms will not work! This is true no matter if we created the free design for you, or if you used the Web Site Maker to create your own design. If your site is hosted on our servers at,, or hosted by us at your own domain name, your forms will continue to work, so do not worry.
For security purposes we had to discontinue allowing our forms processing program from being used by order forms on web servers other than our own. It is for this reason that your forms will not work. However below is a step by step method to fix your forms and make them work!
Important! In order for your order form and price quote form to work you will need to edit each form as follows. This process uses the order form (order.htm) as an example, but the process is the same for all three forms:
Open your order form (order.htm) in a plain text editor such as Windows Notepad (click the start button and click run, then type "notepad" and the Notepad program will come up. Then choose "file" then "open" and open the order form file (order.htm) and scroll down to where you find ONE of the three lines below: (only one of these lines will be in your form, depending on when your form was created)
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